Monday, August 24, 2009

Same Old Same Old....

Normally I would put something here about my vacation, but as it didn't go well at all, I will not post anything about it. Its just safer that way. However, I will admit that the scenery is beautiful and I got some awesome cast iron skillets while I visited.

Otherwise, it is a normal same old day. I am beginning to prepare for the holidays yet again, so the cleaning bug has hit me full force. Its not just at home either. I have the bug at work too. I have all sorts of plans for the upstairs storage room. Plus, Teri (whom we call the new Kirk) is getting geared up for fall and the Christmas decor in the office.

Anyway, I am feeling particularly old, as my baby sister just started her senior year of high school and my newphew just started his first day of kindergarten. How did this happen?!! Just yersterday they were both babies! Something else I will have to get used to I guess. Well, since the boss is away this is time for me to get some actual work done! So this is me signing off (until next time)!

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